To an inclusive, ethical and supported future for Equine professionals
At International Equine Professionals, we believe in progress. Progress for equines - their quality of life, emotional welfare, our interaction styles, allowing them to be individuals and to have their species specific values provided.
Progress is also important, though, for the professionals and students who strive to improve the lives of the equines that they work with.
International Equine Professionals is a membership organisation, building a collaboration of professionals and students from all niches of the equine world.
Our mission is to provide a supportive community of like-minded people, all sharing our core values;
Furthering understanding of equines in order to improve emotional and physical welfare
Promoting educational facilities which align with our ethos and aims for equines
Supporting others in their journey towards outstanding ethics
Helping the wider community to push the welfare paradigm beyond simple physical wellbeing
Sharing knowledge and experience amongst us and externally in order that we all gain a better insight into the many aspects of equine care - the 'Whole Horse'
Consistantly endeavouring to help the equines that we work with to live enriched, happy lives with their emotional and physical needs met

Having formed ISAP in 2009, Brigitte Barton became acutely aware of the need to provide similar community organisations for individual species which were focused on the wellbeing of the animals and our work with them. So, International Canine Behaviourists was born and is now a leading light in the field of canine behaviour professionals. This was later followed by International Feline Behaviourists and in 2019, International Equine Professionals (IEP). Brigitte’s passion for animal welfare, applied behavioural science and ethical, positive interactions with animals has been the driving force behind ISAP and is the shared ethos of those who now run ICB, IFB and of course, IEP.
The organisations are all based around providing a safe community of international animal students, professionals and owners – somewhere to share knowledge, discuss new research, learn from the experience of others and know that you are amongst like-minded people who are all dedicated to ensuring the mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of the animals they spent time with. In some professions, that means educating owners in positive, science based and modern practices, which can be challenging. It’s great to have a ‘forum’ where you can ask/provide advice and know that you’re not alone!

~ Joseph Addison

Anyone involved with any of the animals that fall under the Equidae ‘umbrella’ is more than welcome, and we are all keen to learn more about them! So, as well as horses, donkeys and mules, we’d love to hear about zeedonks, hinnies, onagers and zebras.
Membership is by application as we are extremely passionate about creating a worldwide organisation based around an ‘equine-centred’ approach, supporting positive reinforcement, emotional understanding, training and interactions which are mutually enjoyable for animals and humans. We do not condone the use of spurs, whips, chifneys or other punishment-based practices. We do, however, appreciate that the equine world is not as far progressed as that of the canine in terms of dispensing with aversive methods and outdated concepts, so we would love to support those who are in the process of making the cross-over towards a better understanding of our animals.
IEP, as our name suggests, is not solely an organisation for behaviour specialists. The professions are extremely varied including (but by no means limited to);
Physical Therapists
Tack Fit Specialists
Equine Facilitated Psychotherapists
Of course, without experience and qualification, we wouldn't have professionals, so IEP also welcomes and encourages students. It is within all of these areas that the welfare of our equines can be improved upon and that knowledge can be shared across disciplines to enhance an overall understanding of the aspects of life from the equine’s point of view.​
Due to the collaborative nature of IEP, various members contribute to its progression and and we welcome input and love the involvement they have. As a not-for-profit organisation, our administration team is made up of volunteers who are committed to its cause.

Kate Thornton
Equine Sports & Remedial
Massage Therapist

Irene Perrett
Equine-Human Relationship and Behaviour Consultant

Geertje French
Equine Nutritionist & Behaviourist
Kate has been involved in IEP since 2020 and has been a key player behind its growth; networking, managing social media, membership applications, webinar organisation and generally striving to achieve progression.
Irene has been a member of IEP since 2021 and has been on the administration team since 2022, working hard on the membership application process, online content, creation of monthly member online get togethers ideas for future collaborations and projects. Her creative brain as well as her extensive knowledge is invaluable!
Geertje has been on the
administration team for IEP since 2022, having been a member since 2021.
She has been fundamental in the creation and running of our 'Friends of IEP' Facebook group, as well as offering her experience in multiple areas and creating ideas for projects. She has made a considerable contribution to the Education area of our website with articles and other resources.

IEP aims to become a recognised standard for those working in the equine industry, as is ICB for canines, IFB for felines and ISAP for the wider world of animals. We are working to provide a range of CPD in the form of webinars, covering many aspects of working with, living with, and improving the lives of equines. To purchase our past events, please visit our Webinars page – also, keep an eye out on our Facebook page for details of forthcoming webinars. We also encourage participation in certain educational opportunities which we are pleased to have an affiliation with, many of which are run by IEP members and partners. Please visit our ‘Education’ section for more information.
If you would like to contact IEP about anything at all, please email us directly or use the form to the right and we'll be more than happy to help