The following recommendations have come from our members and are well worth a read. Whether you're studying, carrying out research or simply interested in reading more about equines from various viewpoints, we hope you find the suggestions helpful
Argent, G. & Vaught, J. (2022)
The relational horse: How frameworks of communication, care, politics and power reveal and conceal equine selves. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill.
Draaisma, R. (2020)
Language signs & calming signals of horses: Recognition and application. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Draaisma, R. (2021)
​Scentwork for horses. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Kelekna, P. (2012)
The horse in human history. NY: Cambridge University Press.
MacFadden, B.J. (1992)
Fossil Horses: systematics, Paleobiology, and evolution of the family equidae. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Manolachescu, D (2024)
Physical recovery, emotional well-being, and social reintegration - a holistic approach to equine-assisted therapy (EAT) for traumatic cord injury (TSCI) patients. A case study by Dan Manolachescu. (VIDEO OPENS IN NEW WINDOW)
McGeevy, P. (2012)
Equine behaviour: A guide for veterinarians and equine scientists. Elsevier.
Meijer, E. (2019)
When animals speak: Towards an interspecies democracy. NY: New York University Press.
Rees, L. (1984)
The horse’s mind. London: Stanley Paul & Co.
Rees, L. (2017)
Horses in company. Marlborough: JA Allen.
Smith Thomas, H (2005)
The Horse Conformation Handbook. Michigan: McNaughton & Gunn, Inc.
Higgins, G (2012)
Horse Anatomy for Performance. Newton Abbot: David & Charles
Higgins, G (2015)
Posture and Performance: Principles of Training Horses from the Anatomical Perspective. Shrewsbury: Kenilworth Press.
Hart, B (2008)
The Art and Science of Clicker Training for Horses: A Positive Approach to Training Equines and Understanding Them. London: Souvenir Press
Lac, V (2017)
Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning: The Human-Equine Relational Development (HERD) Approach. Amsterdam. Elsevier Academic Press
Lac, V (2020)
It’s Not About the Activity: Thinking Outside the Toolbox in Equine- Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning. University Professors Press. Kindle Edition