We have various types of membership on offer within IEP, one of which is for your organisation or businesses with a number of employees. The following organisations have joined us in this capacity, and we are delighted to support their work within their specific areas of the equine world.
Clive and Jill Ponsford run their holistic hoofcare business from the Devon/Somerset border in the UK.
Transitioning your equine to barefoot is a process which is better managed if you have a friendly, knowledgeable and supportive professional at your side. Progressive Hoofcare are widely recognised as offering this, and guiding you through your horse or pony's ongoing barefoot journey

Equine International is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit research institute dedicated to conducting scientific research and developing education in equine behavior, well-being and welfare, and equine-human interactions in all areas of domestic and free-living equines. This group of scientists, researchers and behaviorists share a mission of working with a variety of cultures, populations, professionals and industries as well as collaborating with a number of universities, institutions and organisations - all with the goal of improving the lives of equines. Equine International carry out observation, scientific research and data collection of free-living equines around the world in order to better understand how they choose to live and how we can fit into their lives with their well-being at heart.
The HERD Institute® offers training and certifications in the art of equine-facilitated psychotherapy and learning. Founded by on experiential learning principles and academic excellence, our training is designed to incorporate a cultural competency framework. We also offer a range of workshops and
retreats aimed for personal and professional development.
Whether you want to take some time to
explore your own process, or add to your skill set, The HERD Institute® can support you on your journey. HERD stands for Human-Equine Relational Development, a philosophy we proudly embody in the compassionate and relational way we work with both horses and humans.