EMA is a well-established, industry-recognised training provider with a unique, fully integrated approach to equine therapy. Their training leads to fully insured Therapists who also work with Veterinary referrals which is not an option if you train with a provider offering a shorter, cheaper course of a lower standard.
It is widely acknowledged by many equestrian experts that EMA is ‘gold standard’ in training and the best available worldwide, accredited courses to level 5.
The ethos of EMA and its founder, Angela Hall, is rooted in whole horse welfare. For this reason, and to ensure that their graduate therapists are able to work to full effect, EMA's courses are not simply about how to apply massage therapy. Every aspect of the horse is explored, as everything ultimately has an effect on the musculoskeletal system. This includes subjects such as; hoof conformation, nutrition, emotional welfare, equine behaviour, dental considerations and much more.
The other thing that sets EMA apart is its range of available CPD, which includes courses for horse owners as well as graduates of therapy training. For the full range, please visit the EMA website.
Whether you're an avid equine enthusiast with a good standard of education or already working in the equine field as a professional, this course offers a transformative learning experience that will elevate your expertise to new heights. EMA believes that the key to being the best equine therapist lies in a deep understanding of the subjects that underpin manual therapy work. That's why their course places a strong emphasis on these foundational subjects, ensuring that you have a solid grasp of the intricacies of the equine body. This course covers a variety of subjects that are crucial for creating well-rounded therapists. You'll delve into equine behaviour, biomechanics, nutrition, rehabilitation strategies and much more. By gaining comprehensive knowledge in these areas, you'll be equipped to address the multifaceted needs of horses and become a trusted professional in the equine industry.
The course has been made accessible to all - open to those living outside of the UK and those in full time work. The programme is flexible and delivered at an achievable pace with payment plans available.
For more information and to enrol for the next Level 5 intake, please visit EMA
As well as the Advanced Pracitioner course, EMA offer a number of other career course opportunities;
In addition to their career courses, EMA offers an impressive range of CPD courses. Many of these are suitable for horse owners and equine professionals working in different niche areas, whereas others are specifically designed to enhance the therapeutic skills of those working in the field.
Equine Kinesio Taping. (Part1)
Equine Kinesio Taping. Advanced Tapings (Part 2)
Equine Kinesio Taping. Myofascial &
Neuro Tapings (Part 3)
Equine Alternative Therapies
Low Level Laser Therapy
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy
Equine Emergency First Aid
Colic & Gut Health, Prevention & Management
Equine Water Treadmill for Training
Holistic Therapy for all Breeding Stock
Equine Biosecurity Best
Practice Protocols
Photizo for Animals
Training Horses from an
Anatomical Perspective
Saddle Assessment for the Equine Professional
Bit & Bridle Assessment for Equine Professional
Applied Racehorse Support Therapy
Equine Conformation, Biomechanics & Beyond
The London College of Animal
Energy Healing for Horses
Advanced Assessment & Prescription for Performance & Rehabilitation
Optimum Management for Travelling Horses Certificate of Compentency
Equine Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Equine Craniosacral Therapy
Advanced Myofascial Release & Kinetic Chains