Rachaël Draaisma is the author of the books 'Language Signs and Calming Signals of Horses: Recognition and Application' and 'Scentwork for Horses'. She also holds various clinics and workshops around the world, bringing her insights and practical applications to an international audience. Her most exciting news is the launch of the online version of her 'Calming Signals of Horses' course, making knowledge even more accessible.
Summer 2023 marked the launch of the online version of Rachaël's Calming Signals of Horses course. The initial launch was in Dutch, but the English version has now also been launched!
The course offers over 50 film clips of equine body language and information on how what calming signals are and how to recognise them and the role that tension plays. It also offers insights into how you can use calming signals yourself during your interactions with horses. Rachaël kindly offers a 15% discount to IEP members
Rachaël spends much of her year travelling the world, bringing her scentwork, language and calming signals clinics to equine professionals, students and horse owners. Her 2024 dates are as follows;
La Geneytouse – 12/13/14 January
Spoken language: English, translated to French (sequentially)
Topic day 1: Calming signals of Horses – part 1
Topic day 2: Scentwork for Horses – part 1
Topic day 3: Adressing behavioural challenges with scentwork and calming signals
Organisor: Chez les Chuchoteuses
info & sign-in: chezleschuchoteuses@gmail.com
La Geneytouse – 19/20/21/22/23 april
Spoken language: English, translated to French (sequentially)
Topic day 1: Calming signals of Horses – part 1
Topic day 2: Scentwork for Horses – part 1
Topic day 3: Adressing behavioural challenges with scentwork and calming signals
Topic day 4: Scentwork as new discipline in equine assisted interventions
Topic day 5: Individual lessons
Organisor: Chez les Chuchoteuses
info & sign-in: chezleschuchoteuses@gmail.com
Gasselt – 26/27/28 January
Topic: Raising the bar in Equine-Assisted Interventions
3-day program co-teachers: Tracie Faa-Thompson & Rachaël Draaisma
Spoken language: English
Organisor: Centrum voor Paardencoaching – Wendela den Tonkelaar
Info & sign-in: contact@centrumvoorpaardencoaching.nl
Aalten – 2 & 3 March
Spoken language: Dutch
Topic day 1: Scentwork for Horses – part 1
Topic day 2: Adressing behavioural challenges with scentwork and calming signals
Organisor: PaardenLuisteren – Nieske Pohlmann
Info & sign-in: info@paardenluisteren.nl
Diepenheim – 23 March
Spoken language; Dutch
Topic: Calming Signals of Horses
Organisor: HorSense – Jeannet Smulders
info & sign-in: jeannet@horsense.nl
Steenwijk – 15 April
Spoken language: Dutch
Topic: Scentwork a new discipline in human-horse interventions
Organiser: Imovera, Petra van der Zee
info & sign-in: info@imovera.nl
Traismauer – 15/16/17 March
Spoken language: English
More info will follow
Organisor: Disco Cavallo
Info & sign-in: hi@discocavallo.com
Brockenhurst – 23/24/25/26 February
Spoken language; English
Topic 23 February: Sneak peak, evening talk
Topic 24 February: Calming Signals of Horses – part 1
Topic 25 February: Mental Stimulation & scentwork for Horses
Topic 26 February: Addressing behavioural challenges with calming signals & scentwork
Organiser: Tilefield Equestrian- Amanda Barton
Info & sign-in: amanda@amandabarton.com
Northumberland, 27-28-29-30 June
Spoken language: English
Topic: Raising the bar in Equine Asssisted Interventions
Teachers: Tracie Faa-Thompson & Rachaël Draaisma
Organiser: Turn about Pegasus & Calming Signals -Scentwork Horses
Info & sign-in: tracie.j.faa@gmail.com
Deinze – 22-23 June
Spoken language: Dutch
Topics: more details will follow
Organiser: I for Horse – Oliver Schelinski & Arianne Bakens
Info & sign-in: info@iforhorse.be
Storsteinnes – 31 of August – 1st of September
Spoken language: English
Topics of the day’s: more details will follow
Organiser: Celina Skogan – Equidemia Equine Academy
Info: celina@equidemia.com
Baldwin City – Kansas – 26-27-28-29 September
Spoken language: English
Topic day 1: Calming signals of Horses – part 1
Topic day 2:Calming Signals of Horses – part 2
Topic day 3: Scentwork for Horses – part 1
Topic day 4: Adressing behavioural challenges with scentwork and calming signals
Organisator: Jennifer Clark – Heart Horse Training
info @ sign up: hearthorsetraining@gmail.com
Centrum voor Paardencoaching: Wendela den Tonkelaar – 24 of March & 14 April
Equine Behaviour Affiliation (EBA) – 5 February
Equine Studies – Zefanja Vermeulen – 10 March & 5 June
Hoofnerd Academy – Anne Schuiten – 10 & 20 January
Moventis GGZ – 8 October
Paard Centraal – Karin Huizer – 17 February
Tinley Academie – 11 November
Wind Opleiding – Ruud Knaapen, Muriel Daal, Nicolle Themmen, René Schoone – 12 April